The books and publications on this page have been recommended to us by people interested in attachment parenting. We have not always had time to read them ourselves and listing them on this page does not mean that we endorse the views expressed in them. 

We are always interested in hearing from you about attachment parenting books you have found helpful, so please send us any suggestions and we will consider including them on this page. If you have a review of an attachment parenting book you would like to share with us, please send that as well.


Sears, William and Martha (2001) The Attachment Parenting Book : A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Baby, Boston: Little, Brown.

Granju, Katie Allison (1999) Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child, New York: Pocket Books.

Pantley, Elizabeth (2002) The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night, New York: McGraw Hill.

Pantley, Elizabeth (2005) The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: gentle ways to stop bedtime battles and improve your child's sleep, New York, McGraw-Hill.

Gethin, Anni & Macgregor, Beth (2007) Helping Your Baby to Sleep: Why Gentle Techniques Work Best, Lane Cove, N.S.W.: Finch Publishing.

Grille, Robin (2005) Parenting for a Peaceful World, Alexandria, N.S.W.: Longueville Meida

Kohn, Alfie (2005) Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason, New York: Atria Books.

Liedloff, Jean ( 1975) The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost (Multiple editions and publishers)

Small, Meredith (1998) Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent, New York: Anchor Books.

Heller, Sharon (1997) The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads To Happier, Healthier Development, New York: Henry Holt.

Buckely, Sarah J (2005) Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: the wisdom and science of gentle choices in pregnancy, birth and parenting, Brisbane: One Moon Press.

Leboyer, Frederick (2002) , Birth Without Violence (Revised edition), Rochester, Vt: Healing Arts Press. 

Arnall, Judy (2007) Discipline without distress: 135 tools for raising caring, responsible children without time-out, spanking, punishment, or bribery, Calgary, Canada: Professional Parenting.

Other Publications

Schön, R. A. and Silvén, M. (2007). Natural parenting - Back to basics in infant care. Evolutionary Psychology, 5(1): 102-183.